Redemption Slushies and the New Year

Y’all, I just discovered this delightful blog, but after reading the first post, I knew I had to share. I started to wait till later, but we all know my ADD brain will probably forget. Check it out!

Cheeky Street

1222141156Lately my new part-time job has me pondering my parenting style and life in general.  I sell high-end fashion to women of all ages and, like the trusty “potty training” and “chore charts” often used to train toddlers and youngsters to do the right things consistently, my new employer recognizes achievement in denim sales on a weekly chart that I see every time I go into the break room for more lipstick or a sip of Diet Coke!

As you can tell, my sales are D-O-W-N!!!  I haven’t mastered the art of romancing a customer from the front of the store to the dressing room filled with clothes I have personally selected for her body type.  It remains to be seen whether I ever will.

But this much I do know:  I make every single person I interact with feel good and want to come back!!!

How does this translate…

View original post 441 more words

6 thoughts on “Redemption Slushies and the New Year

    • You are SO welcome. Thank you for writing something so re-bloggable and amazing. I haven’t managed to throw together much in terms of posts the past two weeks. I agree that we sound very similar and should definitely be friends. Can’t wait to read more of your writing! Happy New Year to you!!


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